Det finske selskab Balanco Oy overtager ApS

Det finske selskab Balanco Oy, som udbyder service indenfor regnskab og løn, og danske ApS har i dag offentliggjort overtagelse og fusion af deres operationelle aktiviteter. Ved at forene kræfterne kan selskaberne yde endnu mere omfattende ekspertise med over 160 medarbejdere i Norden.

Det finske revisorfirma Balanco Oy blev grundlagt i 2015, og beskæftiger i dag cirka 150 medarbejdere i Norden. Balanco Group består af moderselskabet Balanco Oy med datterselskaber i Sverige og Norge. I regnskabsåret 2023 havde Balanco Group en indtægt på cirka 78 millioner DKK. blev grundlagt i 2006 og har 12 finansielle fagfolk i København.

Erhvervelsen af understøtter Balancos vækststrategi og er et vigtigt trin mod selskabets mål om international udvikling. Efter overtagelsen forventes Balanco Groups omsætning at overskride 11 millioner euros (cirka 82 millioner DKK) med cirka 160 medarbejdere i regnskabsåret 2024.

Kristian Krebs, nuværende CEO for fortsætter i denne rolle og sikrer en kickstart for partnerskabet og de fælles operationer. Han vil også påtage sig ansvaret som landechef for det danske datterselskab.

”Vi fik straks et godt forhold til Lise og Kristian, og allerede fra den første samtale har vi delt fælles værdier for kundetilfredshed og medarbejdervelfærd. Vi er glade for det nye partnerskab og fortsætter Balancos væksthistorie sammen med Lise og Kristian”, siger Antti Voittonen, chef for vækst og udvikling hos Balanco.

Sammen stiler Balanco og efter at udfordre større spillere, både nationalt og internationalt, ved at tilbyde smidige, skræddersyede økonomistyringstjenester. Takket være denne erhvervelse kan begge selskaber tilbyde deres kunder endnu mere omfattende økonomistyringstjenester i Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Finland, og også landene imellem.


Yderligere information:

Kristian Krebs

Antti Voittonen
Head of Growth and Development, Balanco Oy


Finnish accounting company Balanco Oy acquires ApS

Finnish accounting and payroll service provider Balanco Oy and Danish ApS have today announced the acquisition and merging of their operational activities. By joining forces, the companies will be able to provide even greater expertise with over 160 employees in the Nordics.

Finnish accounting company Balanco Oy was founded in 2015, and today it employs around 150 employees in the Nordics. Balanco Group consists of the parent company Balanco Oy along with subsidiaries in Sweden and Norway. In the fiscal year of 2023, Balanco Group had a revenue of approximately 78M DKK. Founded in 2006, employs 12 financial professionals located in Copenhagen.

The acquisition of supports Balanco’s growth strategy and is an important step toward the company’s internationalization goals. After the acquisition, Balanco Group’s turnover is expected to exceed 11 M euros (82 M DKK) with around 160 employees during the fiscal year of 2024.

Kristian Krebs, the current CEO of will continue in his role ensuring a kickstart to the partnership and joint operations. He will also take on the responsibilities of Country Manager of the Danish subsidiary.

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“We found a great connection with Lise and Kristian, and starting from the very first conversations, we have shared the common values of customer satisfaction and employee well-being. We are delighted about the new partnership and continuing Balanco’s growth story together with Lise and Kristian”, says Antti Voittonen, Head of Growth and Development from Balanco.

Together Balanco and aim to challenge larger players both domestically and internationally by offering agile, customer-tailored financial management services. Through the acquisition, both companies can offer their customers even more comprehensive financial management expertise in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland, as well as between countries.


Additional information:

Kristian Krebs

Antti Voittonen
Head of Growth and Development, Balanco Oy